
If its a world where men can’t make innocent old dad jokes about women, I’ll have no part of it.

well it is when you live in areas that are underserved by public transportation which is like 80% of the place

Santa should in fact be a penguin

Isn’t it strange how when you have multiple corresponding accounts it makes a claim more credible.

there are times to enforce the TOS

Jeez what next an Anti-Vaxer for Surgeon General.

when you said getting ripped... I was thinking of something else

yes and do you think the people who are willing to believe all this currently would be willing to do that?

So I am guessing you are not on board with giving $250 million to those idiots we love from Top Gear.

the republican were out of power for 30+ years, they saw an opportunity crafted a message that resonated and swept to power. The Dems have the opportunity with Trump, so to take advantage of it they chose the same feckless spineless leadership they have had for the last 10 years.

oh yay more of the same, that should produce a different result.

you realize that is ridiculous right? Just because you disagree with someone is no reason to shut someone out of your life, caveat: unless they are being a dick about it, but then you are shutting them out for being an asshole not a political. philosophical agreement.

so far they are, unless we stop them.

if all you see of the world is race and gender then your analysis would be correct.

Pro: It gets him the fuck out of Wisconsin

or JaXon Zandyr or any of that bullshit.

so she is saying he is not autistic he is just a creepy weird kid.

which is what they call reasonable doubt
