Founding Fathers who weren’t founders at all. They were invaders. They massacred, they murdered, they demonized.”
Founding Fathers who weren’t founders at all. They were invaders. They massacred, they murdered, they demonized.”
“Okay, I get” nothing.
TL;DR: But what about the white people?!?
...insisted that the October holiday we’ve come to recognize as Indigenous Peoples’ Day “will always be Columbus Day.”
...seemingly rebranding November as something else entirely: National American History and Founders Month.
‘F’ is also used in Twitch streaming, whenever a signal interruption occurs or there is a ton of latency issues, everyone spams F to let the streamer know they lost the connection. It may have been used ironically at first, but now its a very quick way to give a streamer feedback for connection loss
Press F to Deadspin Forever.
This is nothing. Try dressing up as your commander from Elite: Dangerous, and then explaining that to people.
And this damage was over a shoplifting beef. The police are all about protecting the property of the powerful; public safety, not at all.
This is what it looks like when you give a rural police force Army equipment and no reason to use it.
Holy fuck.
The city is wrong for that.
I can’t believe that the reasoning they gave was that the cops couldn’t be bothered by the consequences of their actions. Really saying the quiet part loud, huh?
All that for a fucking shoplifter. Police have no idea what “proportional force” is.
Holeee shit.
I’m surprised this sort of thing doesn’t happen more often. This is what happens when you give military equipment to bored ass cops in small ass towns.
Can these CO cops find an apt. on 87th ST in NYC?
Exactly, and isn’t using fear as a control tool essentially the basis of Christianity?
People tell me I did my daughters a terrible disservice by not introducing them to Christianity so they could make an “informed choice” on their own.
This makes me thankful that my parents didn’t raise me to have any particular religious beliefs. While all of the scenarios these places present are deeply disturbing and inappropriate for children this one:
Holy shit that’s fucked up. I grew up the same way no Halloween, or anything that was related to “satan”. My dad wouldn’t even let me wear Ankh necklace( this was the early 90's, think X-Clan and all the back to Africa things going on then) because he said it was satans cross. ( don’t know where he got that from)