
The z8 Alpina is one of the most beautiful cars ever. And performance? Do you have to ask?

Where r u eyes located? By ur kidneys?

Big “if.” Since the misdemeanor charges are violation of national park regulations or public use limit; trespassing; disorderly conduct, and interfering with government functions, it seems no damage was done.

We can fix a statue more easily than we can repair the psychological harm we’ve already done to these kids.  They will have feelings of fear and insecurity, if not full blown PTSD for many years to come, and that's assuming they are granted asylum and can access mental healthcare. 

She is a better American than most white people.

she is a true hero

What a patriot you are, worrying about a statue’s condition while our reputation is being rightfully dragged through the mud by our scandalously inhuman treatment of children.

This is possibly the Best. Parking. Lot. Ever.

Australia is Latin for Satan’s Backyard.

Iceland? You mean Utopia!

Where can I learn more about this as to make it my life’s mission?

I read that as much as they eat, they still wouldn’t negatively effect the bat population if eradicated. Bats get most of their needed sustenance from bigger insects. 

My resident barn swallows have raised two broods this year mainly on mosquitoes; I’ve also noticed a decline in the wasp/hornet population this summer as well.

Bats also eat other insects, so this is just a pro-bats argument.

For one thing, my pest control service would hate it if mosquitoes were completely eradicated. Me, I would love to get that $50/mo back!

We can release the bats on them en masse.  Once the bats take over, we’ll just send in the badgers.

Except if your out in the dark 3/4 of the year and the wind can whip you around an beat you like a plaything, or if you step out into the wild and your shoes catch on fire, or you just go stir crazy with depression due to lack of sun, or to much dam sun. Iceland is very much a dangerous place, but its more the

Iceland is anti-Australia.

Time to pack my bags