
Here in Seattle, this is punishable by death.

This is totally a human female reproductive system, AMIRITE?

My first thought was Moritz Stiefel in Spring Awakening.

I didn't know this was in movie form (but what isn't these days?) I read the book and RE: 4 all I could think was NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE. But now that it's in my brain, I kinda want to see the movie.

No no, that is clearly Alan Tudyk aka Wash

Twilight? Noooooooooooooo!

LOL, thank you! Talking about Jigglypuff is ALWAYS relevant.

Yes, and the slap heard 'round the world!

Only one of the best seasons ever! I am loathe to admit that season of Real World and 10 Things both greatly influenced my decision to look at (and ultimately attend) schools in Washington state.

I love mooching off other people's minor claims to fame! My roommate was in the marching band playing a clarinet.

No no, that rhino is totally pooping the wrong way. Right...? Uh, guys...?

That's horrible! At least in my traumatic teeth-pulling story, there was novocaine and gas involved. :(

I'm stoked that this exists. When I was a teen watching this show, I tried so hard to make my own list but failed miserably. Yay internets!

Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore - Robin Sloan