
That's a shame, I heard the whole argument was because Kennedy said they were making it too like Rogue One "and that guy off of the internet had a general distaste for Rogue One"

I think The Mummy Returns was the first film I saw at the cinema that made me feel old (in a bad way). I was a teenager and I'd enjoyed the first one, but Returns just gave me a headache. I think I would have slept through it if it wasn't so bloody loud.

Really Peter should have been a sub-editor rather than photographer.

She was actually texting her mate "I only came because it's got the guy from jurassic park world in but he is literally doing nothing, I thought he was the hero! Why are people just expositioning at him!"

Grosse Pointe Blanke is the best movie focused on a high school reunion released in April '97 (besides Romy & Michele's High School Reunion)

I think that if by half way through season three you're still complaining that that not much is happening or it lacks direction, perhaps this isn't the show for you. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!)

However, it was clearly established the wood lice responded to specific frequencies of sound, which you would have thought the sonic screwdriver could have managed

Imagine how much further Paige's storyline would be if they didn't preface every conversation with "Where's Henry?"

Civil War's ending did totally undermine the whole thing - you would have thought Infinity War would have started with a massive threat and the heroes divided and out of contact, not with the heroes umming and ahhing over whether to give each other a call.

I remember reading an interview with Trevorrow when Jurassic World came out, and he said their approach had been to try and wrong foot the audience by not letting sequences play out as they expected. I think what they came up with shows why sometimes the audience wants some sequences to play out how they expect -

The prequel to the sequel of the prequel to the original. Who couldn't be excited for that?

Does Steve really have a massive Hydra logo tattooed on his chest? I can't help thinking that might hinder his cover.

Age of Ultron? I'm not really that good at remembering them. I'm not sure that opening with an action scene is so important (although it does help it make an impact) but having any action scene with that much personality. The opening scene of Blade is basically more interesting and exciting than any scene in ten years

"It’s hard to overstate just how exciting it was to see Blade in the theater."

The whole vanilla=boring thing really grinds my goat.

Cheers, I knew I'd definitely read it or heard it but couldn't remember from who.

You seem to have only spoken to a very slim sliver of white British people and imagined that it is totally representative.

I think the fact he hasn't applied for a restraining order on you shows his generous spirit.

Red Nose Day is a biennial event.

I love my brick