Cool, will you tell us more about your life?
When you’re coming up on someone on the highway, and they’re too afraid to use cruise control, and instead of being steady with their foot, their speed fluctuates between 65-85, and I’m forced to pass you 6 times because every time I pass you, you speed up top 85 and then pass me and then slow down to 65, or I’m stuck…
Would it kill them to come up with a label that doesnt look it was designed by a senior citizen who just discovered word art?
Would it kill them to come up with a label that doesnt look it was designed by a senior citizen who just discovered…
Its not a “car”... its an SUV.
I’ve seen some pretty crazy things in downtown Albany, NY. I still cringe every time I think of the numerous front wheel drive cars ive seen being pulled from behind out of spots, their front wheels locked up and squealing everywhere. Being a tow driver in a city must take a lot of skill, pulling cars out of crazy…
I think its fake
This thing looks stupid
Awesome. I feel like chances are high that we just get a pedestrian model wagon and not the fancy, sported up one though. We’re lucky to even be getting a wagon in the first place.
Did you guys ever think you’d see the day where you’re seriously telling readers they should buy a Chrysler Pacifica?
I think they should give a free pass in the last race to the winning-est driver over the whole season. If they don’t make it thru the chase, 5 compete at the end, but if they make it thru to the end only 4 compete. That way there’s still incentive for them to fight til the end, one less competitor.
digging all the gold on this thing
“Luckily, we as consumers probably won’t experience the difference in our wallets”
Dude wrecks in the corner - “oops”
[e]very day I drove my 104 mile commute, I was unknowingly hurting the environment. As a mother, it makes me SICK to think I unwittingly contribute[d] to the pollution of our planet”
I think they should have done something like only the top 2 drivers in qualifying who are in the top 30 in Sprint cup points made it in the race. Would kind of police itself if a top sponsored ride potentially misses the race. As much as I hate cup drivers screwing up the show,a hard rule on # of races seems too...…
c’mon now, I was just out of highschool
NP! I had an ‘89 with the v6 (auto though) between ‘06-’10. Grandma bought it new and gave it to me for HS graduation with about 81k on it. Thing was bulletproof for the 75kmi I put on it, only thing outside of routine maintenance it needed was fuel pumps. A/C worked, heater was out of this world, crazy comfy seats,…