Still ugly as hell, Final Fantasy didn’t aged well.
Still ugly as hell, Final Fantasy didn’t aged well.
Fuck all stores and launchers. Can we have exe only again ?
The Indiana Jones game was made by Frantisek Fuka. He is pretty well known in Czech republic. Now he is translator, programmer and film critic. When you want about those times and gaming in communistic Czechoslovakia he’s the right person.
Interesting, i will never play this, now back to Sekiro.
You shouldn’t have been in like 5 last outsourced wars.
Stop crying, “black” people. Can i say the word black ? I’m not sure these days. Everything bad in your lives is white man’s fault.... we get it.
I don’t know how is it on the consoles, but on PC is updating plague, that must be constantly controlled. Because after 8-12 hours in work, you want to play, not watch update progress bar updating 90 GB in Division 2 or so. Personally i start the PC without internet cable.
Drugs are ok, our world isn’t.
Division 2 - 90GB day one patch.
90 GB day one patch.
No kids on net. Done.
If a sci-fi remake from outside USA is remade with Hollywood money it’s always bad decision. And for other movies (like scandinavian thrillers or cult mangas) just please die James Cameron.
If a sci-fi remake is on the wave “let’s replace those boring tension moments with cgi and hip-pop wannabe stars”, it’s definitelly bad remake.
Sometimes it’s good to grow up with Commodore 64 and casette tapes as a medium. 2 min 24 seconds ? Phe.
Soon there will be noone funny on the Twitch, only boring SJVs.
I actually finish protecting Kratos family, but the fight with oversized Ares was stop for me.
DEVIL MAY CRY 3 (PS2, USA version). In the first USA version, is no unlimited continue (you must find or buy them) and i think the difficulty is harder. So when you die on the Boss, that is located always at the end of the level, you must start whole level. In mission 20 or 21, VERGIL stopped me. I tried kill him like…
Most awesome gameplay video ever.
Only a little dissapointment. In the Raccon City police version 2018 department is impossible to shoot (interacteract) with dead friends trought glass. So you see a zombie trought glass window in the door or you see a zombie behind window, but you can’t shoot him. Also is impossible for the zombies to leave the main…