
Looks lot a like Cadillacs and Dinosaurs.

MGSV confirmed as a LABO flagship.

Looks like Diablo 2 XD.

Yeah, now i remember some :). Thanks.

That’s nothing xenophodic, i just want say, that the Metal Gear Solid alert sound, or the Final Fantasy Menu *beep* i will recognize everywhere, everytime but i hardly remember any sound from let’s say

Japan knows the importance of sound effects. Mario has characteristic sound effects, Mgs has characteristic sound effects and western games ? Not so.


Which doesn’t work for the 99% PC controllers on the market and all must be solved via 3RD party unofficial software like X360 controller emulator.

Now playing

Nice. What can i cut or break with it ? Because it’s “AUTHENTIC” sword.

No doubt it’s great controller but little expensive for gamers from the poorer countries. I can run every controller via X360 CONTROLLER EMULATOR, but i’m curious why there is no support in games for other than XINPUT controllers.

The guy which invented THE DEADLY CHOPPER OF DEATH should get a Nobel prize. For peace of course.

Agree and why the hell 99% of the controllers on the market is not supported in games ? The DINPUT ones ?

Why the fuck only few controllers use the XINPUT and 99% of controllers on the market uses DINPUT, which is not supported in modern games ?

I bet there is somewhere on the net article Why you should switch from Firefox to Google Chrome. For standart internet user, which is not addicted to internet, it does not matter which browser use. I don’t see any differences it’s not like “Hey, Firefox is 105 times faster than Chrome and pay all your internet bills”.

Why MADCATZ and other developers of periphearls (joypads) S T I L L use on PC the DINPUT ?

I master the Mitsurugi reversals, master the GI, and i play always reversal characters in every fighting game (AOI from Virtua Fighter is best, Paul from Tekken is worst - overpowered bitch with easy reversals). It’s the most satisfacting thing to reverse enemy attacks (in video games), that only Dark Souls or perfect

YEAH ! The good old days where the feminists have no rights to talk how the female in videogame should look. The ugly and fat females we must watch all the day in the work (in worst case home), so why the females in videogames can´t be over the top busty sexy bitches, right ? :P

What about the speed < The SCV was somewhat fast and for me confused. That is weird because all the Soul Edge / Blade / Calibur was well arranged.

I tried watch S.H.I.E.L.D but everytime i turn on the TV, when the show runs, there is some teenage bitches talk. And talk. Pretty people talk each to other. I didn’t saw any of “they send one person (ironman/thor/hulk?) episodes”. Just pretty people talk each other, and flyng with plane. I’ts not any of the popular
