She’s only 49? She looks terrible. I work with women in their 70s who look younger.
She’s only 49? She looks terrible. I work with women in their 70s who look younger.
I think you might need glasses. She literally looks like the life is draining out of her, which tends to happen when you’ve sold your soul.
Kellyanne Conway is one in yet another long line of women like Phyllis Schlafly who love to lean on the idea that women are weak as a way to give themselves power. They trod on the ambitions and hopes of other women in order to highlight their own strength.
everything from this year’s republican playbook is straight out of the narcissist’s emotional abuse playbook.
1. Fake news is documented, and it disproportionately targeted Hillary.
This seems nice and all, but let’s be real. Cheetolini don’t give a fuck. The minute he gets his tiny little hands on the keys to the White House you *know* he’s going to a) shit the bed in the Lincoln Bedroom and b) overturn every executive order Obama made. Including the ones that *aren’t* executive orders.
This is interesting to me because I became pescatarian in the last year for moral reasons and people like to pick fights about it with me too. Some along the same lines as your skittles example, and others like “But you don’t care about the FISH?!!”
Ok, well I never claimed to be “anti-fur,” I said that I would not buy new fur, but would wear an older fur. I do not have an inherent moral issue with people wearing fur— it is a very warm material that often looks quite elegant in my opinion (though that is certainly not the case with the Biebs here)— but I do have…
That’s not entirely true. The meat from animals raised for their fur is not typically consumed by humans (the reasons we will eat the flesh of certain animals but not others is endlessly fascinating to me), but it is often sold to make pet food and fertilizer, among other things (mink oil, for example, is used in…
I mean, I didn’t say anything about being any more or less “enlightened” than anyone else, but buying vintage or antique fur doesn’t support currently functioning factory farms. The only fur coat I actually own is mouton, which is made of sheepskin— likely a byproduct of the meat industry. It was made sometime in the…
Right? I would absolutely *not* buy new fur, but I worked at a vintage clothing store for many years, and I have no issue with wearing older furs (although it did definitely make me sad to see some of those pieces, especially fox fur or any kind of cat fur). I mean the animals would be dead by now anyway, and I feel…
Also not supporting fur, but it remains very weird to me how many people are ardently opposed to wearing fur but have no problem whatsoever supporting factory farming.
And this kind of language is why!
Let’s not forget that Ivanka vacationed with Putin’s paramour Wendi Deng in August.
14 hours from NYC
I’m on the fence. I hope it’s okay to share this here, but I am worried about Trumpers who will be there for the inauguration and sticking around the next day, looking for trouble. Is anyone else concerned about that? I assume they will be armed to the teeth, as well. I normally have no qualms about protesting, but I…
I live in Arlington, so probably.
The National Park Service isn’t exactly the kind of organization to be in the pocket of Donald Trump. I suspect they just really, really think it’ll be a logistical nightmare because of how much work will have gone into making the inauguration run smoothly, then having to turn around and make sure everything is…
People who never drink coffee always seem suspicious to me, so this doesn’t surprise me.
Oh man, John Edwards. If only he had kept it in his pants a little bit longer, he coulda’ been the progressive populist we needed this year.