Tiffany is the Meg Griffin of the Trumps.
Tiffany is the Meg Griffin of the Trumps.
*slams fist on the table*
No. More like do exactly what the designers recommend during the break-in period.
Tebow reached on a fielder’s choice...
Hey, Drew. Where was my weekly funbag?
From the headline picture, it looks like there is significantly more tire deformation on the Hilux than on the other pick-ups. Could be a tire-pressure issue. Just ask anyone with an M3 what a difference of 1.0 psi can make.
exclusive: yet another commenter blows smoke out their ass without looking at the research. here, let me do the work for you:
Actually GTFO would be a badge I could go for
Boo! Wish you could have made it!
Wish I would’ve made it! Pole Position in NJ next time?
I’d just like to point out that the man at the top of the podium is none other than Road & Track’s very own Brian Silvestro, who works for Road & Track and won the race. Also, he writes for Road & Track.