Occam's Babby Former

This is a rare example of a red state with a decent amount voting access like early voting, mail-in ballots and same-day registration. Weirdly, this turned out to help Gianforte in the end. This should have happened at least a week ago to have a maximum potential impact at affecting the election results.

I live in MT, and this is Gianforte situation is hilarious after months and months of so many damn ads. Did you know Rob Quist is the second coming of NANCY PELOSI despite having virtually nothing in common? What a bunch of shit. Political ads in May should be a federal crime.

The Celtics are playing no worse than Greendale's Really Gay Basketball Team right now.

"Grid" as in the Grid, Small, Pure map from Car Boys?

A cleaner. Housekeeping technically. It's full-time with benefits. I'm pretty much an adult now!

I got a full-time job at a hospital that started a few weeks ago. I am still alive!

Yes, but When's Mahvel?

I approve of your gradual descent into a sentient Weird Twitter account.

Doug is fun and a cool and fun dad. His relationship with Connie and Steven is great to see. He's not quite as chill and accepting of station in life as Greg, but few mortal men can be. Also a solid ep just to hear the dulcet tones of Crispin Freeman saying words not in an anime dub for once! All-around a nice, fun

Got swept and the Cavs only needed Disinterested Demi-God Mode LeBron to do it.

And what about verified Cheeto Champ Nick Robinson?

Yes, if there's one thing that not discussed in US history, it's the Civil War.

Where is Propose to Your Boyfriend Mountain??? Where are the Disney Princes??? MISANDRY FAKE NEWS FALSE FLAG REVERSE SEXISM NOT ALL MEN

Give Trubisky a chance, Randy.

Between Sean Penn and Alex Jones, I'll never forgive you for turning all the San Francisco frogs gay in Milk.

That's damn cool and I was about to post it. And yeah, the Blue Jays start to the season has been… something.


Well, after a brief peek into the alternative universe where the Leafs are better that the Raptors, we're back to normal.