Occam's Babby Former

Baby, it's grimdark outside!

In my 2016 league, I'm essentially tied with Digi and have to root for Washington. I feel so dirty.

Well, my keeper league team was dominated by Stingo. Looks like my team:

More like Rouge Done with this gimmick, amirite?

Indeed. She is good at yoga after all.

But when will Trump nominate Valencia as Tsar of Torture?

The series also has insane amount of rewatch value too. From all details and refernces to how knowing the end puts the series into a new whole new light.

Happy Birthday or Something


Grrr! Argh!!! Affrosponge! Argffro Grronge!

I still think Harbaugh could eat him before Monday night.

You're welcome that the vaunted Seattle defense got me an amazing -3 points in our playoff match up.

Pearl is an ELITE Crystal Gem

I'm glad I started this thread.

Hottttttttttttttttttttt. Seriously, I'm glad you can be more open about yourself now.

I can't wait for The Legend of Zelda: Fitzgerald game!

Rob Liefeld 2020


You two being together is one of the best things to come out of this place and one of my favorite things. I love you both and hope things work out for the best!

I just started listening to MBMBaM with some older eps!