Occam's Babby Former

Terrible Trivia: Melania Trump will the first foreign-born First Lady since Louisa Adams.

'member when the main thing we worried about was a TV show?

Reagan was a B-lister who acted with chimps.

I miss Romney campaigning as a sort of doleful automaton from 2012. It was elegiac in a way.

Thank you. Just to be clear, I think this is terrible; I just can't coherently express it.

Trump's cabinet should be an actual cabinet. Like the piece of furniture.

I can't fathom the idea of Ben Carson having any sort of influence or power or responsibility with the quickness.

Also my favorite Sex and the City episode!

Sun and Moon will be out in less than two weeks!

You're our Pete Rose! As punishment you'll be banned from here for life and will have to be a barely coherent tv analyst for the rest of your days.

We outlasted American democracy!

I hope he goes on a righteous hate bender and trashes the White House.

So what will Obama do for the next 9 weeks or so?

Tonight reminds me of the many Bengals games I've suffered though, down hating the performance of a red-haired guy in Ohio.

Because climate change doesn't exist, silly!

But Labrador could become temperate with global warming!

"I can’t count the reasons I should stay /
One by one they all just fade away"

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