Occam's Babby Former

You just can't take any Moor of those infidels.

I want several of Rebecca's garish chiptune Scott Joplin ragtime drawers, which is a sentence I'd never thought could be possible until this episode.

"The Fall of the House of Usher" is the greatest quarterback OF ALL TIME

Quoth the Harbaugh

A very underrated Friends episode.

Only millennial kids will remember this election!!!

Both valves are off.

I haven't seen the final Alola starters yet, but I more-or-less agree with this list, except for the Sinnoh starters being a bit underrated. Torterra and Empoleon aren't the prettiest, but I still like them a whole lot. The Unova starters are meh all-around, but Serperior is the best out of the three.

You think baseball should be fun??? Get out of here with such nonsense!

Affro in a Making Of

Filmtank. Such a day is above obvious jokes…

He killed my fantasy team, but I'm glad he won.

Hoppy Girthbay, Stonog!

The last regional candidate to get some electors was Geroge Wallace, so McMullin can't be much worse than that.

They should have just switched over to playing rugby. That is more or less the whole point of New Zealand.

I have given up on America and follow Canadian baseball now.

I assume so?

Colin Powell sending emails about getting his hot tub repaired was relatively whimsical.

A while back, I was marveling at how young a U-22 team was before realizing I was 24 and, by definition, older than they were.

Almost a little too on the nose there.

Sometimes you hit a sexy walk-off homer, other times you have to unsexily BABIP a walk-off into being.