Occam's Babby Former

Thank you, Lloyd and all.


N/A due to work.

Not quite that bad. More historically meh, with the stray chance to upset better teams and troll them hard.

This is why I went to a nerd school that essentially has no football team.


What are you playing?

But $200 billion can buy some spiffy content funnels.

What are you saying? Aleppo Moment is my favorite leader!

I could sense the end was nearing, especially with the tone of S7, in a good way. Sort of reflective and elegiac and some sense of closure creeping in. Glad its ending with some sort of plan in place rather than being unceremoniously canned or airing continuously until it becomes terrible/unprofitable.

It's not the pen, it's the principle!

Less than I month ago, I never thought I would be disappointed the Eagles have a bye week.

We knew glaz before it was cool, maaan.

I'm relieved I can finally hate the SEC without reservation now like God intended.