Occam's Babby Former

Yeah, and she can also use it for holographic projection as well.

Poland-Iran men's volleyball was pretty cool. Poland was up two matches to none before Iran forced it to go the distance before finally losing 18-16 in the fifth set. Sto lat!

Not like this, and not from the Land of the Rising Sun.

Brooks Wheelan was self-aware about his uselessness, which I'm not sure is better or worse.

Sounds great, Troncoglith!

From "Home Economics:"

The breaking point could have been more cutting edge tech back thousands of years ago when Bismuth first made it, making the moral dilemma about its use more urgent to her.

This episode was so good. So much to think about!

Yeah, I couldn't handle it when Jane broke up with Ronaldo.

Mayor Dewey needs your support too.

They would be if they were ice bears instead of people.

Amethyst character episode with Steven have always been some of my favorite episodes especially "On the Run" and some stealthy Amethyst episodes like "Tiger Millionaire and "Onion Friend." Purple Puma appearance too!

If Smash can make Ice Climbers OP, anything's possible.

The Wealth of Nations doesn't write itself, you know.

Ewww, but I approve.

Solid episode! Pearl-Connie is one of my favorite relationships on the show and Worried Mom Pearl is always fun. I loved the brief "Do It For Him" reprise as well.

Eric Thurm's reviews have always been solid. He's been especially impressive recently with a new episode almost daily the past few weeks.

Pearl in a tux is a revelation. It's wonderfully animated too! Especially the full 360 pan of Pearl in the city lights. The song and episode are definitely a highlight of the season.

That picture was taken out of context!

Why did you leave us? Was it something I said? *sobs*