Occam's Babby Former

Man, Wilbon has really lost it.

community SUCKS

SU reviews have consistently gotten 2-3x comments of AT reviews over the past year-ish, so SU coverage should be fine.

Inconsistent airing on Cartoon Network was a big reason why. This season episodes have aired multiple times a week, once a week or once every few weeks.

Silly Semi, television will soon be replaced by troncovision that will be streamed directly into our exo-skulls by vigorously touching our flippers.

Your gymnastics posts are always welcome!

I swear CONCACAF/COMNEBOL refs are paid to be actively weird and terrible, even more than normal FIFA refs!

Wonder Over Yonder has some of the prettiest, colorful and most purely cartoony (in the best sense) animation I've seen, on top of some solid voice acting on top of being really fun and funny. I will miss it!

To be fair, I have never seen ISIL and the Iceland football team in the same room together.


England scored off Rooney PK 4 minutes in and Iceland equalized 2 minutes later.

lololololol England

Wow, racist much???

BENGHAZI is slightly better than Pixar? Obama's America!

Only if the part about me is written entirely in dongers.

You started a blog? Welcome to 2004, Dave! ;-)

I'm sure their romance will be Everlasting.

I have a really big Brexit and drink lots of tea!


Their football team did so they could play for Spain instead.