Occam's Babby Former


E Pluribus Troncum

Stop reading my Frozen 2 spec script!

2.5 Colombias, I think.

Can the US be less worse than Mexico?

Gareth Bale has the worst man bun OF ALL TIME!!!

Falkland Islands 2: Imperialist Boogaloo

No European side has looked elite, at least yet. I blame some of it on the new format though. Teams can sit on 3 or 4 points, knowing they will more than likely advance, leading to overly conservative play.

Europe needs to clone Messi or at least his beard.

Argentina-Chile/Colombia should be excellent.

Make the USMNT great again. :'-(

Liquid football.

The US is a Messi.

I thought it could be for Feelin' Kinda Naughty!

Kooky Klinsmann can't even coach his own country! Sad!

CEG should definitely explore this next season.


I did eat all the macaroni! It's Messi that he knows.


Who's ready to see some American Argentinian exceptionalism tonight?