Occam's Babby Former

!amabO ,sknahT

Typical HRC reply

da fuck did I BENGHAZI

Weird, abstract, philosophical Phrasing!

More Morata!

Nolito gol! Golito!

Morata boy!

What a disaster for Croatia. *lights flares for no reason*

Skoda pop!

Radical Rakitic!

Perisic! More like Perisick goal, amirite?

I like how Maria Aitkenhead's directing style and James Franco's attitude towards this are essentially ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and lesbians.

Stop reading my Frozen slashfic!

Les Miles was part of the pregame coverage for Game 6 tonight for some reason. Not that I'm complaining of course. Everything needs more Les Miles.

To be fair, all those Super Bowls didn't really work out so I can't blame them for branching out.

That's a Löw BLöw, Stephen.

McGinn for the win!

lolwut Now the game is being stopped for hail.

McAuley with hotttttttttttttttttt header.

Typical Welsh nonsense.