Occam's Babby Former

Why are you friends with Aaron Sorkin on facebook?

Replicate: Changes moves of all types to Fire/Fighting because Game Freak hates you.

I approve of all of them! I'll be interested to see what secondary types they will have (if they have any at all).

RIP bongoes :'-(

Well, he is on the Mets now.

I should look at Bartolo Colon gifs more often. What a delightful man.

Whenever I am sad, I remember Bartolo Colon still plays baseball and it comforts me.

Shelby Foote makes a good Stan Lee though.

The War of Semi Aggression

We Peacock Chicago

I almost miss Little Marco already.

They also need at least a dozen more pouches each.

The age requirements don't specify human years!

Carson is leading the charge in picking Trump's VP. I'm hoping he picks a dog or something.

He could be trying to stay visible enough while angling for a VP nod. Trump needs Ohio.

Well, there goes Graham's chance to be in Trump's cabinet!

But enough about your penis, Dave.

Well, even the Zodiac Killer stopped after a while.