Occam's Babby Former

This movie would make my body hurt too.

The fact the Braves front office has some semblance of a plan automatically puts them ahead of the Marlins and about on par with the Phillies. Already half-way to the top of the division!

So the Braves are playing a long con that was dependent on the D-backs sort of randomly deciding to go all in next season. Who knows? The Braves could still be competitive in the NL East even in a long-term rebuilding/stockpiling assets mode.

They're still better than Billy Joel.

Raggedy Princess can make you a new Hambo in, like, three seconds…or Raggedy Princess can be your new Hambo. She'd do it, too. That girl's got, like, zero self-respect.

That's mean—don't tell her I said that.


FF coming to Steam is a cool idea, but, yes, those graphics were truly created by Satan to torture mortal souls.

I have learned much from you. Thank you, my teachers. And now for your…education. Before there was time, before there was anything, there was nothing, and before there was nothing…there were monsters.

Will the Warriors ever lose again?

My favorite part is that of the apparently 12 "Peeple Watching" webisodes, only the 11th and 12th are accessible. Or were even made. This is a legitimate app!

So we're all on board for joining Peeple when Disqus undergoes its inevitable heat death, right? http://forthepeeple.com/

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Not creepy at all. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Speaking of "extended…" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The Cape weeps quietly in the corner.

"I feel weird, because I don't like the show, and it feels like I'm hate watching and then trying to antagonize everybody."

I'm all for GOP in its current state being destroyed, I just Trump wasn't the one doing it, as he's one of the few people who could will likely be as bad, if not worse, than the rest of the GOP field.

Fundamentally disagreeing with Trump is less "liberal-leaning" and more "not being human garbage."

Y'all bring up some good points! Even you, Narwhal. ;-)

What are you saying? The length of election cycle is perfectly reasonable! We're only a brisk 11 fucking months from the goddamn election and I hate everything right now please make it stop!

The media publicizing the dumb and terrible stuff Trump says is a main reason he has remained a viable candidate. Framing the somewhat arbitrary decision to stop covering him now as some sort of moral stance seems disingenuous. Of course, the Huffington Post isn't the only part of the media guilty of feeding into the