
Another good tweet.

Here’s a good tweet:

I went to Baylor. My wife went to Baylor. Our kids won’t be Bears.

You can use a light, like Montoviro said, to keep it out at night if you wish. Also, it should be an “all-weather” material.

Maybe a trip to Home Depot for an inexpensive yard light to illuminate it at night as directed by the U.S. Flag Code? In any case, thanks for displaying your civic spirit.

Patriotism doesn’t have an education requirement, so it’s very common to see stuff like this. The best thing is to inform them of the right way. They had good intent, after all.

Well look at the man with the golden fuckin’ sphincter over here guys.

Some quality stuff there, sure. But I don’t think anything will ever top this (probably apocryphal) Best Of Craigslist story. I die laughing every time I read this:

“But it would be hard to argue that Trump’s intent is the same as Obama’s or even Dubya’s.”

Yeah, you’re right, now that we’ve made our personal distaste for our new authoritarian white-nationalist government clear, we should stop covering it while it willfully dismantles the nation.

Primarily he is reversing executive orders made by Obama or using new one for executive agencies with which the control rests in the executive branch. He can do pretty much whatever with executive branch agencies, but congress controls the funding so he can’t spend on things that would otherwise breach the

It’s a good point, but I disagree entirely that his ravings about 3M-5M people voted illegally are not extremely important. They are very important. His and others’ similar claims are going to be the basis for every state controlled by a republican state government (a supermajority of them) to enact strict voter ID,

Absolutely on the nose, there. That, as they say, is the question.

I’m just hoping that once he’s out, there will be many, many more new laws.

The issue isn’t so much that he is breaking any laws. The issue is that his use of executive orders* breaks the idea of governing in good faith alongside the legislature. Strict Constitutionalists should (but won’t) argue that the President’s only authority is that which is explicitly granted by Congress, and

The beauty of the separation of powers is that while its Congress’ job to decide what the President’s authority is, it is entirely the President’s prerogative to decide how that authority is exercised. Executive Orders directing the different parts of the executive branch (i.e. every other fucking thing in our

Every single second he is president is a violation of the Emoluments clause of the constitution.

I am really sick of the media only paying attention to this crowd size bs or rantings about illegal votes. This is all noise, a distraction to keep people from focusing what is really going on. This is all classic Trump. Here is a short list of other, more important, things that have happened this week (some of which

Belichick prefers players keep their murdering to the window from the end of February to mid April. I have to feel like he would have cut or traded Hernandez as soon as he found out how far out of the calendar parameters his homicides fell.