
I am not certain and I am TERRIFIED. Take my stepdad for example - he is a staunch Republican who will close his eyes and vote for Donald just because he is Republican. I’m talking about a *fairly* intelligent man voting for this bafoon simply because he has been a Republican his whole life and won’t change now.

Be careful what you wish for. Trump appeals to a lot of democrats as well. He’s cutting a wide swath of voters, being a populist and gaining support.

I don’t know about this at all, maybe I just know myself. To me a crush is someone I’d love to be with and regardless of whether my wife knew or not it’s not something I’m into. Hell, I’m not majorly jealous but if I heard from her or found out from somewhere else that she had a crush on someone she knew I’d be pissed

I’m married and have a coworker crush. Only natural as she’s one of the few people I work with close to my age, and she’s cool and cute. No big deal, it’s just that when I see she’s taking lunch at the same time as I am I get a little excited to have someone to talk with who picks up what I’m puttin down.

I hope you can see this, because I’m +1'ing you as hard as I can.

Saying “here is the person I wish I’d ended up with instead of you” seems pretty different than what this article is about.

This guy?

(f) Off-road lighting.—Off-road lighting lamps may be mounted on the roof or roll bar of a vehicle and shall be covered with an opaque covering that prohibits any light from being emitted when the vehicle is being operated on a highway or trafficway. Any person who illuminates an off-road lighting lamp while the

Okay, how in the hell did they think posting his private medical records was legal? Really?

Prosecutor: “Now Mr. Pierre-Paul, is the man who tweeted your medical records in the courtroom today?”


As an Eagles fan, I can tell you this:
Bill Belichick plays chess. Well.
Andy Reid plays checkers. Well. But very slowly and methodically.
Chip just plays checkers. Fast. Poorly.

This was my takeaway from this article as well. Also, if (God forbid) he becomes president, I wait with baited breath for the breakdown of paint colors that will be necessary to replicate his hair for the official portrait.

Wow, the lighting in that place REALLY sets off the dye in his hair. It’s like a blacklight rave or something.

Should make the drug testing an interesting process. “Oh, I see you’re taking 4 kinds of antibiotics”

no, six. It mutated and grew an extra one.

The only thing dirtier than the water

The IOC would feel really bad about this, but in their defense, the bribes were exceptionally large.