
Anyone else's Comcast boxes reboot once a week? During Prime Time? Could they not time this to happen overnight? Goddamn it!

I sort of agree. But, I'd hang playing next year over the kids' heads... start talking, all of it, right now or no one is playing for the foreseeable future. Bunch of nonsense. High school football bullshit.

Tape (what kind of tape?) something sensitive to something hairy (belly)? Then bump & grind?! No way Jose! As a guy, that won't work.

Anyone ever ask the winners what it took, or how they won?



That's fucking insulting right there.

Fuckin' Starchitects.

Hopefully, there's a retractable roof.

Perhaps. Maybe is an "ambien event" or sleepwalking like the other commenter stated. I'm just thinking out loud.

Hey, not trying to be confrontational. Just had a thought and kicked it around here.

Yes. Is there a simpler explanation given what witnesses stated? Tie the room together...

Snuck out. Fought with mistress, was drinking anyway. Damaged vehicle in anger causing oil to leak. The kids ran into him while he burning off remaining oil. Continued to drive angry. Got in accident.

Meh, I'll allow it.

Would it be wrong of me to take a stab at the scenario here?

They are such douchenozzles.

Oh, that's just Benji. Seems like he doesn't like elevators.

He is still lying. And how is he still unable to clearly answer if his team asked law enforcement for the tape or not?

How long before we reach the tipping point where NFL fans pull their heads from their asses and show the NFL that it is not their moral compass by hurting the NFL's bottom line?

Yuengling Bock Beer is one of my springtime favorites. More for me I guess? Plus,, cool label...