
20. The fact they are breathing.

Say what you will about Steve Bannon, but the beauty of his soul is only matched by his physical appearance.

Don’t forget racism.

How very white male of him. The rest of us will be waking up to a daily horror of unknowns concerning our rights as citizens but, hey, math.

Jesus _Fucking_ Christ. Bad enough Trump is nuts, but the ghouls he’ll give power to are what has me terrified. Christie as AG. Giuliani as DOJ head. Carson and a crew of science-ignorant holly rollers running the Dept of Health. God Knows What Apocalyptic Creeps as Sec of State and Sec of Defense. And now Ryan can

There are two things about Americans I will never underestimate again: their anger, and their stupidity.

I’m more concerned that that motherfucker Pence is just a hair slug death away from the big chair. Man, what a gag reel this is.

“Sure, we just fucked our country and quite possibly the entire world so severely we may never recover from it, but hey, it could have gone differently!” isn’t what I’d call a silver lining.

Holy shit, America elected our Hitler.

As a Mexican American female, I am terrified. I am, in all probability, going to lose my healthcare and control of my reproductive rights at the same time, while likely facing out and out racism and sexism like I’ve never experienced before. I am terrified for my Muslim friends, my gay friends and family, my friends

No, you fucking dumbass. The racists and the sexists are the reason Trump was elected. Trump energized the white supremacist and Neo-Nazi movements. Trump followers unironically adopted the hashtag #Repealthe19th (as in the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote).

Dear Lord, please make me a horrible person so I can stop feeling like shit.

I have no words. Formless noises keep coming out of my mouth.

How is that a silver lining?! There is only winning or losing. America lost, and this loss is permanent.

oh its very very different Nate. A narrow Clinton victory would have protected the Supreme Court from whatever right wing nutjob is coming to end abortion and same sex marriage. Obamacare is gone, millions are going to lose their healthcare. Republicans hold Congress and the White House and will have the Supreme

The only thing that comes to mind:

This makes no fucking sense. If you kick out feminists, the anti-racists and the LGBTQ community, you get the Republican party.

Fuck me. There have always been problems—some big ones—but for the first time in my life I’m truly ASHAMED of my country. We are a bad place.

Now playing

The (un)United States has officially become a failed state. Gee, thanks racist ass white people for making this country even more miserable for those of us who are not white. Eat a dick

People were walking around the streets crying in NYC. I joined them several times. This is unreal.