Gonna sing the shit out of this song in my car on the way home tonight.
Gonna sing the shit out of this song in my car on the way home tonight.
I think if you are unfamiliar with Scientology, Leah’s show would leave a lot to be confused about. The website that they link to at the beginning and end to every episode gives a lot more info, but I think the show operates on the premise that you are watching because you already have a good understanding of the…
I am completely obsessed with all things Scientology (except for, you know, the “religion” itself). I have spent many hours down rabbit holes on the internet and in documentaries on various TV and movie networks and have read about 20 books by ex-Scientologists. I loved Leah’s book and show!! It is endlessly…
I’ve definitely had sex while drunk that I would not have had sober, but like, at the point someone LOSES CONSCIOUSNESS, its pretty fucking clear that the sex should stop. Regardless of what they said while conscious. You don’t continue to have sex with someone who is no longer conscious.
This is brilliant.
I used to get UTIs whenever I would get really stressed out, which is about as terrible of a fuck you as you can possibly get from your body. I hope your mom figures everything out and her solution is simple like mine was, get on some medication to control my stress levels.
The thing is, he did very much admit to cheating and apologized for what he remembers doing in the past. Now they are telling him to apologize for doing MORE that he claims he did not do, when he’s already apologized for cheating and hurting her just so she can “stop being angry”. If she didn’t accept his initial…
What happens if you were only going to see Beyonce?? Lady Gaga is nice but I’d be pissed. Or do you get tickets before you know the line up? How do you do music festivals? GET OFF MY LAWN
We have a JCC across the street from my office, they got a bomb threat about two weeks ago. I’m SO SURE they did it themselves. What a fucking asshole Trump is.
Honestly, being apologized to for something that the other person is NOT ACTUALLY SORRY for is fucking infuriating. My soon to be ex husband would always apologize to me for things that he felt no remorse for just to shut me up or to throw a bandaid on an argument, and it only made things worse. I don’t blame Tom for…
I guess I would just never call it “political” - It’s very obviously mirroring the societal climate in our country (and worldwide, I assume), but I would never have walked out of the theater and been like dang, way too political for my taste. It was incredibly obvious from the first trailer my boyfriend and I saw…
I had a white republican friend ask me if I, like some of his friends, had considered the movie “too political” (I’m white). I was, and still am, incredibly confused by how anyone thought this movie was political?
I guess that must be true, coming from southern Cali, I don’t think my experience with cemeteries is the same as it is in other parts of the US where there are cemeteries right across the street from houses or shopping malls, etc. In Cali, at least around San Diego, you have to go out of your way to get to a cemetery.…
You know what Barack? Stop looking so god damn happy and glowy. We miss you and we need you back. Every time I look at a picture its like looking at the boyfriend I dumped and then wanted back but he’s doing way better without me. Come back to us pleeeeaaaase
I feel like maybe if they weren’t so obsessed with keeping everything hidden from the public, the leaks would not be such a big problem. But you know, logic isn’t the strong point of this administration.
I can’t imagine that the cemeteries have the best security, because really, what kind of fucking monster fucks with dead people’s graves? Ugh this is so disgusting.
My boyfriend and I tend to fight when we have been drinking a lot, but very quickly afterwards, both take full responsibility for being a drunken asshole. Neither Katie nor Tom seem to own up to their behavior, they just fight about fighting. I can’t believe they actually got married. Katie has been a terrible person…
Oh man, James’ girlfriend has one of the most annoying voices I have ever heard. She is so nasally and whiny - and I know too many girls who do that on purpose to get attention from guys. Classic sugar baby voice. Ick.
I don’t really like her as an actress but her awkwardness here was endearing. Now I dislike her less.
Also could we not just have a movie about badass women thieves that is not a “prequel” or whatever to a few movies about men thieves?