
People tell me that the “Model Minority” stereotype is harmless.
I think this present case is a good example of why that notion is wrong.

Is this a joke?

Did you really name your Son/Daughter Luke Skywalker?

Well they don’t want this movie to be wiped out when the cleansing takes place at the end of the century now do they?


You make a perfect response. Jiia did a wonderful job sending up the Brooks piece on the times as well.

These aren’t rappers. These are R&B singers.

Agreed. The mass transit is the few moments I get during the day to sit quietly and question my choices that brought me to that point. I don’t care how talented you are, please don’t subject me to it in a place I cannot escape from, because some of us need to escape from reality for a little while everyday before we

They are rasing the rates at the end of the year. If you can buy now, its the time.

Ok I can also use your same logic to say:

Likely younger than you imagine.

Its not 28%. Its much much higher. Its only 28% that will admit it on a survey.

Lots of people. As a black person trying to buy something right now I shop with a white friend who poses as me so I can see the same places.

Thank you for saying that. Its just lazy on Bungie’s part.

Thank you. Last time I mentioned this I was torn apart like a baby Dik Dik vs a pack of Hyenas.

Agreed, Jezebel.com has been killing it lately...

Thank you for covering this, the stories seem to be escaping mainstream notice.

She was there to lend credibility to the rest of the piece.

Oh my god. Watching this again makes me physically ill.
John DePetro (sp?) shows himself to be a disgusting bigot.

To them its a tool, it garners ratings, it energizes their base.

Scapegoats have long been important in the preservation of the state.
America’s tried and true scapegoat since the before the 1800s has been black people.