That image made me spit out coffee.
Dear lord that thing is a death trap.
That image made me spit out coffee.
Dear lord that thing is a death trap.
Copay while black is dangerous though.
In the culture of fear and hatred of other that has been cultivated in the United States, do you really think something like above could be put into place there without a rash of violence popping up?
I have to ride the Q49 bus to and from the Roosevelt Avenue / 74th Street station everyday.
The busses often are so overcrowded at my stop that you have to fight to get on, and some days women have literally blocked the bus in order to force the drivers to stop and open the rear doors so more people can squeeze in. At…
Life is short you know?
If this is what makes these girls happy, I wish them all the best.
The only problems in life is when people impose what makes them happy on others.
I could see governments using these things in the future labor and food riots.
I bet it can't do African hair well.
The respectability game is about damage control - trying to position yourself to get punched in the face instead of shot to death.
You, don't really want this data. Took 2 seconds on google.
It is a reality for females of any race too, in regards to sexual harassment and rape.
Wow, if you think that video is everything you need to know about Black/Police interaction, you are severely ignorant.
I am Carlton in dress and demeanor, and I have been pulled out of my vehicle and slammed on the hood of my car by the police before. Let me clue you in on something from a person who plays the…