You seem fun at parties.
You seem fun at parties.
Ok first, your assessment of her ‘four jobs’ situation just doesn’t make any sense. Do you understand how time and fractions work? One part-time job is usually at least 10-20 hours a week, so add 1+1+1+1... *four* part-time jobs is 40 hours a week minimum- aka the equivalent of a full-time job.
You’re shocked that stressful circumstances make already-existing traumas come to the fore? What?
Well said. The choice to default to the most conventional hero is frankly incredibly boring and probably the most disappointing part of this final season. You shouldn’t have left out the word, because Jon is boring, and the incredibly deep cast full of interesting characters makes it all the more egregious.
As always, I am hesitant to reply to comments with the knowledge that the Kinja system elevates Staff contributions and thus the comments themselves, but I want to address this since I’ve seen it pop up a couple of times in my notifications.
Dany is the only character who conquered cities, forced her vision of a culture upon them, and then abandoned them instead of staying to rule.
Every character on the show is an imperialist. They live in a monarchical world.
Dany has always been an imperialist. It’s incidental that her ideals dovetail with our progressive ones.
Honestly maybe even worst served than Dany’s arc was Jaime’s.
What in the seven hells was Jaime’s plan? Did he seriously want to run back to Cersei, even when it was clear she hired a hitman to kill him? The framing of their death being tragic was really weird.
It was like Truman dropping a third nuke on Japan after they surrendered, just for funsies.
D&D played dirty. Yes, Dany had shown she could go dark. But this wasn’t a gradual development, it was a switch being flicked, done only because they had to fit it into the time they allotted themselves to wrap everything up.
I think depictions of what we would today call war crimes should be jarring.
I can’t and won’t claim to have any superior knowledge of what is going to happen, but ever since Arya became a face-changing assassin I’ve guessed (and wanted) her to kill Cercei. But who knows?
It’s was purely cost cutting. That entire scene was mostly CGI for the setting and it’s much cheaper and easier to render featureless ground than grass, trees and brush. It made no sense. There’s no area anywhere near Kings Landing that looks like that. I mean, where were they even? What gate was that supposed to be?…
Maybe its the too obvious a take, but I feel like the more natural fit for these actors would have been Rebel Wilson playing a posh rich girl conning guys who think they have the upper hand and are taking advantage of her, and Anne Hathaway being the boorish American who’s used her sexuality and looks her whole life…
One, King’s Landing is now inexplicably located in a desert
I’m surprised at how many people thought Jaime was riding off to be with Cersei. He is definitely going back t0 King’s Landing to kill her, especially once he finds out she isn’t pregnant (check out her smirk when Tyrion tried to appeal to her love for her children). Jaime’s been working out a very clear redemption…
You should calm down. It’s just a show, dude.
I think there’s a lot of truth to this. I also feel that the fact that Hollywood is so left-wing hurts our chances. As you say, we’re reckoning with our guilt blah blah blah, and so it seems to filmmakers that making a non-brutal Western is somehow a lie and an abdication of their responsibility