How dare you.
How dare you.
It’s clearly Chloe Bennet.
No, it was Tuesday.
She said “He’s not allowed in a room alone with Michelle again” which sounds like it was after a specific event, not based on an existing rule.
There is exactly one country song I can listen to, and it is this:
Just look at him. That is a rodent that fucks.
The evident refusal of Jezebel’s writers and editors to read anything published by Jezebel is a sign that they have better judgement than you or I.
The “and introducing Cloris Leachman” credit at the start of “Raising Hope” made me laugh almost every episode.
Trans women are already and extreme minority, and the ones who want to do sports a minority within that, so the idea that women’s athletics is going to be completely borked by their inclusion is ludicrous just from a numbers standpoint.
Yeah, extra testoterone makes a big difference, but without a constant supply of…
Okay, fear mongers, even if this does mean that, yes, women’s sports will have more trans women participants, do you really think that there is going to be this flood of trans women infiltrating the sports world?
Which is exactly what Dump did.
Honestly, she accidentally managed to achieve (the only way this crapfest ever achieved anything) the Ur-Dump Acme Of Success: Idiotic Buzzword Salad With Two Ingredients That Sat Like An Inert Lump Of Dark Matter And Managed To Do Nothing.
“This prenup is rendered null and void if either spouse, while President of the United States, incites an armed insurrection in an attempt to overturn the results of a legitimate election in order to install a permanent white supremacist ethnostate” is actually a pretty standard prenup clause.
I think this is the heart of why he’s so dangerous—certainly not because he’s smart, or even his fathomless greed—those are common factors in the one percent that he so longs to impress.
I was already going to get the vaccine as soon as possible, getting constant 5g coverage sounds like a great bonus.
Not to sound insensitive or anything (I’m rando on the Internet who has no idea the stuff you deal with), but have you told your husband how much his indifference bothers you? I know it’s easy to think “I shouldn’t HAVE to tell him, he should know “, but it’s possible he legit doesn’t realize how much it hurts you,…
LW, nothing’s going to change unless you choose it.
Vaccination priority in the UK was also given to those over 80. Sir Ian McKellen is a celebrity and he is over 80. Thus, he was given the jab.