Christian Connor

Perhaps you haven’t noticed this, but women have breasts on the front of our chests. In some women, they protrude quite a bit. The most comfortable, natural way for us to hold an object like a book in a close, two-handed grip is with our elbows out to the sides. Otherwise, our arms squish against our breasts and it’s

I did once trade my window seat for a middle seat to someone who wanted to sit with family - but their middle seat was in the exit row back when those goddamn things were as wide as Roman canals. I’m nearly 6 ft and I could stretch my legs out all the way without touching the seat in front of me with my feet!

I used to work in an Animal hospital. The best name I ever encountered was a female cat named: Dr. Motorcycle.

you know what I got when I had that impulse six years ago? A hedgehog. and then I named her Zeus. quirky status established, without participating in the exotic animal trade or having to buy a freaking kinkajou

But, to be fair, it is true that “rabid” is not always used negatively, sometimes it is just used scientifically. For example, another sample Oxford Dictionary sentence notes that “the Fish and Wildlife Officer could tell the fox was rabid because it was frothing at the mouth and kept yipping at him like his bitchy

“Donald, what’s your favorite Bible verse?”

The REAL question is whether the dog and pants are white and blue, or black and gold.


It’s offensively hyperbolic, but my friend calls it “nerd black face” and that’s about the best description I have seen of it. Again, hyperbolic—it’s not as offensive as black face—but like black face, it uses a straw man mechanism to reinforce stereotypes. Every time I mention my nerdy interests somebody’s gotta be