He made The Silmarillion possible, and I'll always be grateful for that.
He made The Silmarillion possible, and I'll always be grateful for that.
"Welp, these Tales ain't gonna finish themselves!"
Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump to portray Baron Harkonnen.
Damn, Tomi Lahren's been living hard.
I read fantasy to escape reality, George. C'mon.
Ron Funches is in this? He steals the show every time he's on @midnight. I was a little tepid on this despite Tudyk and Pudi and was gonna check it out anyway, but now I'm rather excited. #bunchesoffunches
He was the chosen one! He was supposed to destroy bullshit, not clean it out of barn stalls! He was supposed to bring balance with his farce, not leave us in darkness!
Oh. Alright then.
So morality is relative and not universal? Every religion is wrong? LIFE IS MEANINGLESS?!?
Instead of jumping through hoops they'll just lie there and silently hate you.
You mean Super Deformed Rocket League Taisen? Yeah, I skipped that one.
I read that one in the '90s!
Xbone, Vita, 3DS, and Wii U.
I still haven't taken the plunge on that, but I keep hearing good things. What platform would you recommend playing it on?
I love Zelda and everything, but I'm getting a little fed up with how long Metroid's been languishing. Gimme the Bounty Hunter's Guide to Practical Genocide, plz.
Christ knows no faction or species.
That's been publicly available for years.
The gold one looks like my warlock in Destiny.
It is the future,
The distant future
It is the distant future,
The year 2000
I was getting more of a Dickensian London Ye Olde Troubadour vibe.