
and correct, 3 downs, not 4.

Also correct, it’s a Gatorade/Maple Syrup hybrid.

We call it Mapleade.

I’m not super clear on Canadian football rules. Does he have to say sorry to the opposing team now?

Woof, great, spiders have learned subterfuge. Let’s hope they never learn how to speak.

Apparently Rio looks a lot like Rochester, NY

Absolutely. But what goes on between a fan and his own team in the privacy of his own home is nobody’s business.

This is what our divided nation needs to bring us together. We can all agree on one thing: fuck everyone else’s team.


Jesus I have never been so happy to see an article in my entire life. As an Eagles fan this is all I have to look forward too for the NFL season

Not 100% sure but I think CP means child porn

pretty sure this is the donald...

And a mccree can just toss a flashbang near her turrets and they vaporze, unlike torbjorns turrets. This is the second character that i enjoyed playing that they nerfed to useless.

Well that explains that.

That Sym nerf is fucking stupid.

Maybe the Symmetra nerf is because you can’t turn around as quickly on a controller to shoot it? Still seems pretty harsh, though.

I’m probably one of the few that says this:

I couldn’t agree more. I loved the NES, and I’m sure I’ll get this, but my heart lies with the SNES. So many incredible games. I’d buy one for Super Metroid alone.

I’ll add that although I think this is rad (and adorable), what we really need is a mini-SNES, ideally one that lets you play/buy any SNES game. I’d pay good money for that.

Your fridge list is so far off. Ketchup has to be number one. Because you never throw it out until there is a new bottle. Because there is always the hope that one good shake will provide whatever amount you need.

If someone isn’t emotionally secure enough to handle a protest statement by a WNBA team in front of about 7,000 people without throwing a tantrum, that person probably shouldn’t also be a police officer.

The cops that walked off can’t even say it was because “there was anti-police rhetoric being used” (some morons still think that saying Black Lives Matter means other lives don’t). They had the Dallas PD logo on the shirt as well. They took an anti-violence stand, and those punks walked out. Fuck them then. I’m sure