Objectively Biased

Snake doctor asking the real questions.

……In that its repetitive and all the songs sound the same, sure.

It's really hard to take a character named RiRi seriously.

On what planet is Drake an album artist? None of his albums hold together on any sort of conceptual or sonic level.

My dad refers to him as Black Billy Zane.

That saloon wifi.

Hate the Drake.

Hey hey hey!

+1 for the Doug reference

He deserves to take a lot of crap for that.

Excellent point. They have to rely entirely on internal feedback.

By weighty I mean the expectations that come with this particular character.

I don't know how anyone can be optimistic about this movie. For one, the trailers have been largely unmemorable. None of the action shots really stand out, and there's no real "wow" factor hooking you in.

They're super cheap.

They're essentially nothing more than TV directors. Big budget films are being more and more micromanaged at the producer level, so they bring in hungry/cheap indie filmmakers who can handle the nitty gritty details and follow directions.

How the hell is AV Club NOT reviewing Superstore? It's such an AV Club kind of show.

Same. Loved it while I was watching, but thinking back on individual moments, I legit think this is one of the best sequels in recent memory. It took everything that made the first film great….and just did it better.

Yeah that quote made me physically ill for a moment.

I don't think the 18-34 year old demographic remembers or has particular affection for the original series

There a few tiny details we have to go over first.