
Laidlaw told the Daily Beast that the school had “discontinued contact” with Epstein in 2007, and that the school has no complaints of his behavior on record, adding that Interlochen’s “policies would not have permitted Mr. Epstein any unsupervised access to students.”

Ronnie Romaine will oil and vinegar the field!

I’m tired of seeing this meme. That old lady obviously has down syndrome, and is being made fun of.

Actual good looking, smart stable genius:

Hi, from Georgia. She doesn’t associate using the n-word with being a racial slur. She answered the question honestly because to her, that is just a normal word. 

Yeah, somehow I think the reaction to this would different if it was Katy Perry on that cover.

I guess I don’t understand how Rihanna in a Chinese publication or Donna Summer in a Japanese magazine isn’t cultural appropriation, but Gigi Hadid (who is half Palestinian) in Arabian Vogue is.

Christ- if she blocked him on her private account - where, yes she can talk politics, then he has no legal leg to stand on. Her official@repAOC is the one where she puts out her policies and committee activities - that’s the one she can’t block people on according to the ruling.

I’m glad you specified “on DG” as there is a very small percentage of men who would look that good in that whole outfit. He looks amazing- the suit, the beard, the shoes

Christ that suit on DG. That shit is DOPE!

I wish everybody had your reaction!

I was in GoodWill in a college town(I live in the town) and these two college students came in. One of them was white and her shorts were so short and cut up, I could see lips. It took everything I had not to say anything....

I guarantee you there were plenty of white chicks wearing even less on that flight that didn’t get flack for shit.

Living in Miami and having flown AA all over, I’ve seen PLENTY of white women wearing short shorts and bikini tops on flights. Hell, even during the winter. This is definitely racially motivated.

I just don’t know how you get to offended. I’ve seen women of all pigments wearing outfits that make me either cheer their confidence or question their judgement, but it never occurs to me to have a reaction beyond, “Whoa” or “Ewww” and then going on with my day.

And these are the same airlines who don’t give a damn when an innocent woman is...being sexually harassed, assaulted & raped by male passengers.

Insane. That outfit isn’t even revealing! I don’t care how naked someone is on a plane as long as they keep their bottoms on and don’t put their bare feet anywhere near me.

I’m someone who detest wearing shorts on flights or sitting next people who do, because I hate skin to skin contact with strangers.

But little things matter. If you normalize minor actions, it often leaves room for more serious offenses. That’s what this whole wave of allegations and outings has been about: How normalized these abusive dynamics have been. Moreover, in non-Hollywood parts of the world, it’s way easier for grown, professional adults

It’s less about the act and more about the fact that it wasn’t part of the script, and the ONLY reason Duffers added it in was BECAUSE it made Sink uncomfortable. That’s an asshole move, no matter what. Why does that matter? Because we, as a society, need to stop making excuses and letting people get away with acting