
How did I miss that! lol

I love the character development, but need more Mavis and Bella!  

I know!  I would love to see this as a series.  It could run for years.  

I love how all of the characters have developed.  I keep hoping to see more of the detective from Arkansas (?) from Devoted in Death. 

A friend of mine kept insisting that she didn’t write her own books, but I finally convinced her she does. She takes it very seriously, and treats it like a more than a full time job. They may not be “great literature”, but they sure are a good read.

I wish I thought insurance companies would be all over covering this, but I bet they try very hard not to.

It’s the In Death series, not in Dark.  And yes, I’ve read all of them.  hahahaha

Sherri Shepherd was a joy on Trial and Error. I wish someone would pick up that show, it was amazing.

These laws have nothing to do with babies, and everything to do with power over, and control of, women. The fact that there are no exceptions for rape of incest proves that they do not give a flying fuck about women.  We have no other value than our womb, and it doesn’t even belong to us, it belongs to men. 

The #1 cause of abortion is slutty men. 

You have obviously never seen the insta account snakesinhats

One of my favorite insta accounts is Gilbert the Opossum.  He’s adorable. 

After I got a Brazilian blow out, my boss asked if she could touch my hair.  We’re both white.  She was thinking about having it done on her hair.  So, I guess the answer to your question is, maybe?  I have never had a complete stranger ask to touch my hair though.  That’s just fucking rude. Full disclosure, I am

the one on the left

Those are lambs, not kids.  Still adorable. 

Those are definitely sheep.  

He looks amazing.  That is all I have to say. 

I think a teacher having a student thrown out of class for putting on perfume is bizarre.

I find the whole perfume allergy suspect also. (although I realize that isn’t really the most important part of this story. ) So my deodorant, body wash, and shampoo smells don’t bother you but the squirt of Chanel does? I have pretty bad allergies myself, and every once in a while I will run across someone whose

Why do you think he is mentally ill?  I admit to not knowing anything about him, so I don’t know.  And of course, if he is ill, he needs help, not smacked.