
What about the ones that turn yor PC into a mini server where the perpetrator can store all his child porn and view it remotely so his PC never has any child porn should he be caught.... I believe I read an article where a guy actually went to jail because they found child pornography on his PC that he never

Myth # 1526: Computer viruses cannot affect your genitalia... not directly..

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: A guy I went to college with was able to write a virus that would disable your fans or something like that... either way it made your PC overheat and die.... so I agree with you on that one.

Don't use the same flash drive on multiple computers... try to stick to one PC and if you must use it on another PC get it checked for viruses... Your usage of multiple PCs greatly increases your chances of getting infected....... he he he......

It's a good thing he wasn't delivering nitroglycerin... now I am going to wait and see how many people will tell me that FedEx would never deliver nitroglycerin even though I was just making a joke...

Is that why I always look fat on TV??

@franco1975 [Troll ]: What a great comment!!!! it made me chuckle out loud and made my morning!!!!

I am gonna go ahead and say what everyone is thinking...... People that set up a video cameras, take videos of themselves opening up a new gadget, and then post them online are real huge dorks!!!!

@ps61318: dang donuts, eclairs and frozen yogurt!!!

@Geisrud: You don't know the power of the dark side

I don't think people really give a crap about vuvuzuelas.... they just like saying vuvuzuela.. there I said it... let's move on to other more pressing issues like darth vader cupcakes.

One thing that I do think would...... you said fairy!!!.... anywayd I forgot what I was gonna say.... fairy he he he!!!

A few hours later the first first turntablist was born and also the first needle replacement center.

What is this "multitasking" everyone keeps talking about??? is it like 3D? or motion control??

Hmmmmmmm......giant crispy delicious outer space waffle cookies... must be the new dulce de leche flavor.

All I would use it for would be to watch netflix in my bedroom.. so I think I will save myself a few hundred dollars and go with a Roku.

I live in dallas and ours is pretty dang thick so I keep one in each bathroom just in case we ever run out of toilet paper.