
I keep picturing Garth Brooks singing in the background.... "and the thunder rolled... and the lightning strikes" but the thunder isn't rolling.

This will end up in the same box that my super scope is in right now.

Really easy to adjust the volume... first you have to be facing true north... then you have to attach the device to your iPhone, unfold each triangle, make sure the volume on your iPhone is set to max, then you kill a small bird, arrange the triangles using Avogadro's number and increase the opacity of the

What is this T-Mobile you all keep talking about??

How long before someone laces it with C4 and flies it into the window of some notorious target..

I got a cheaper solution.... get one of those douple snap zip lock bags. You'll save $79.00 and still look like less of a douchbag than if you had this case on your kindle while in the pool.

I'm no product testing expert nor do I claim to be, but if you were testing a product's durability then wouldn't you want to test the actual product that the consumer would use? Removing the internal components changes the dynamics of the test no? I'm just saying.

Good news and bad news... good news is that you are actually a woman... bad news is that you are your own father.

he gave them the bird... no wait they gave him the bird... or they actually took his birds.... nevemind... I need a cheeseburger.

Now that all the phone companies know how hungry we are for powerful and advanced mobile devices they are going to start upping their game.... we win!!! I can't wait to see what sort of crazy devices we end up with..... My money says we are going back to having giant boom box looking mobile phones with big screens and

I am all about the donation part of it but this is just another way to show the world how much of a douchebag you are.

I will buy it if it has a setting that will notify my wife when my heart stops and will send a gps location so they can easily find my carcass on the side of the road somewhere.

So it is an external hard drive with a silver housing???.......... that's all you got?? oh oh oh... my bad you can also name it...... I'll buy one off craig's list, spray paint it silver or whatever color I want then get a big label and mark it..... I should work for WD

This reminds me of the old batman tv shows where batman and robin would scale a building and some schmuck would come out of the window and say something smart.

This is what Steve Jobs poops out

I would hate to be inside that thing when it malfunctioned.