Video game companies practically never buy outside concepts, I don’t know if it’s a pride thing or what but it is nearly guaranteed not to happen.
Video game companies practically never buy outside concepts, I don’t know if it’s a pride thing or what but it is nearly guaranteed not to happen.
By the character ability descriptions she sounds like she’d play like a Tank Support hybrid. A little bit of an inverted Zarya with the bubbles and a dash of Lucio with the healing drone. She doesn’t look like a tank, but man a sleeper tank character would be super cool. Plus she’s adorable.
It’s weird that apparently we have Dragonball: Evolution to thank for all of Toriyama’s recent involvement. From what I understand, the movie was so bad that the idea of Evolution being the last thing to come out of the Dragonball franchise left a bad taste in his mouth. This we got Battle of the Gods, Super, and…
Can they announce her as playable already
Or you know, keep Goku how he actually is in the Japanese Dragon Ball series, differing from how he’s portrayed in America?
They’re probably for style. Glasses as purely cosmetic accessories are very popular in several Asian countries.
Because why not.
OMG! New Dynasty Warriors! Get on that BAshcraft! I need to know everything about it!
This feels like it should be a long article, then it just ends abruptly. I wanna know more about how those working conditions were in the 90s and how and why they changed.
You can tell this person had this comment prepared and ready for whatever article had a hint of relevance. No matter the subject.
I don’t see anything in this article about these characters being undocumented. Do you have info about this game that wasn’t included in this piece? Or do you just see the word “immigrant” and jump right to “illegal?”
As an immigrant facing a difficult and often frustrating process myself (Canada isn’t so great about their immigration system you guys) I feel like the biggest hurdle these stories face is that they are written from a place of empathy, instead of actual experience.
Option #3: Prototype Claptrap
This is beutifull, just wish we had discovered this naturally, no hackers spoiling us this : (
But...most of the characters in FMA *are* white/European. They have last names like Elric, Rockbell, Armstrong, Hughes, and Mustang. I’d argue that FMA is one of the few anime series that Hollywood would have to try harder to mess up.
Here’s something that’ll blow your mind. You can bet your ass if Hollywood were doing an adaptation of FMA, casting white actors, i09 and Kotaku would lose their shit screaming “whitewashing” at the top of their lungs.
If it was the other way around casting White Europeans as Japanese characters, people would be loosing their shit and everyone would make videos and articles about it everywhere.
To be fair I think we show a lot more respect to their culture than they do to ours. My friends would correct themselves on pronunciation. As well as, be open to other cultures customs.
Its not like that on the other side. Bolt becomes Boruto. They have mandatory English classes and still won’t learn ‘L’ sound.…
Everything in FMA is inherently European, especially Germany. There’s like less than 5 Asian characters throughout the whole series, and of those who do, they’re most likely Chinese instead of Japanese. Even regular reader could made that point easily without needing any confirmation from the writer.
Of all the anime that Hollywood could adapt, Full Metal Alchemists should be on the top of the list.