
Good on ‘em. Yeah, young people do dumb things but part of maturing is learning that your actions have consequences - especially when it comes to things like (e)sports, reputation is important. If you’re the best team in the world but full of assholes and cheaters, no sponsor is gonna wanna touch you with a 10-foot

one thing that I despise in video games is escort missions where you can’t heal the VIP.

Look what I can do.

The guy was being a douche bag and a troll. Be atheist if you want, but dont go to someones house and talk shit. In my opinion he deserved what he got. With all that being said, I’m going to contradict everything I just said and state that 1 year in jail is too harsh a sentence because holy shit taking a year away

He knew what he was in for and that’s why he did it. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Lol at people thinking this was anything other than planned. This is just the way these people get free advertising for their games.

Every time Nintendo does these take downs I can’t help but think:

The magic of modern consoles.

Life in Aggro made my morning. I’ve been to the gym for a while and not once saw a chick pound at her stuff while stating how much she like’s her vulva. I guess that would be really weird, which was kinda the point.

It’s only big cause it was an early webcomic with a daily schedule. Now like many of its ilk, it struggles to be witty and comedic.

Man, sometimes, well a lot of times, it really feels like Penny Arcade doesnt care anymore.

Not the best optimized on PC either to be fair.

A dramatic reenactment of Canids’ brain over the course of this controversy:

For folks questioning “How the heck does this work?”

Saheeli Rai and Kitty are on the battlefield at the same time

I saw Ellie and thought, “Hey cool maybe she will end the last one focusing on possitve portrayls of women in games.” Nope! No one is safe.

It really isn’t. It saves so, so, so much time. Because as soon as a game exists for the public, they want information, they want updates, etc. If the game gets cancelled, as plenty of games do, they will want to know why, they will want what went wrong, they want blame, etc. If they don’t know that a game exists: no

Jason, they don’t have a sense of humor. They actually fucking hate you, mate.

The lesson is to not part ways with money you don’t mind never seeing again. That’s how it’s always been with crowdfunding.