Jim Sterling covers the subject pretty well very recently. Nintendo disregards the rights of others so there is little reason to respect their rights in return.
Jim Sterling covers the subject pretty well very recently. Nintendo disregards the rights of others so there is little reason to respect their rights in return.
The work around is simply stop covering Nintendo. They still have their head so far up their ass when it comes to the internet age and how to take advantage of social media it is just too pathetic.
Get a cheap pair of pantyhose, cut the toe off, and stretch it onto the front-part of the dock. Nothing to worry about, and if done right, it doesn’t even look weird.
I’m using the Joy Con docking click sound as my phone’s text notification alert. Sue me, Nintendo.
It also doesn’t help that they tend to flag not only lets plays but also reviews that easly fall into fair use and not a gray area like a lets play
Horizon gets way more of this stuff right than any other huge open world game I’ve played.
We shall keep bringing this up every time Nintendo act like fuckheads.
I agree.
There are lots of other games and consoles form other companies.
Nintendo does not want you to express your love on Youtube.
Nintendo does not want you to celebrate them on the internet.
So people should just quit it.
If Nintendo cannot understand how this might be good for them, it’s ultimately their loss, so,…
The simple answer is to stop making YouTube videos about Nintendo.
So sick of Nintendo’s archaic attitudes toward the internet, whether it be in their implementation of online features on their consoles or their ridiculously anti-content creator stance when it comes to stuff like Youtube.
Before all the defenders come rolling in, yes Nintendo is often well within their rights to do this, but that doesn’t stop it from being a dumb, over-protective, flat out anti-consumer tactic that is used by quite literally only Nintendo themselves and crappy developers trying to bury criticism.
Yeah, I think this might actually be their final console. They don’t seem to recognize the value of free viral marketing via Youtube, and instead have misinterpreted it to be “Intellectual Property theft”. They don’t even realize when they’re in a desperate enough situation that they should WELCOME these things…
Nintendo can make great games...is one terrible company.
I followed the series from the beginning. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it was a private server that the streamers were all a part of and then was mostly abandoned. faceless and max stuck around because they thought it was abandoned and H2O stuck around just to screw them. IMO...It was egregious. Max and faceless…
Actually there is a counter on every loading screen that shows your total collected. It additionally also shows you the current amount of soul spheres and total number of shrines completed among other information.
I’d argue going full PC would also hurt the industry by raising the minimum price and being unobtainable for people with lower incomes. Consoles might not be as powerful as PCs but since their hardware is the same and not also supporting a whole OS devs can wring much more out of them. Where a PS4 costs $300 and can…
Well Faceless raid him first so he opened himself up to a retaliation. This seems like fair play to me...
Just wondering why you guys aren’t covering the bullshit DallasReviews is making right now...
I feel the same way. Having those little puzzles everywhere makes the world feel so much more detailed, and gives a nice bonus for naturally exploring.
I can’t wait for Nintendo to just become a publisher.