
A video game reminds Nathan about that time he lost a girl. Butch up. Move on.

I would have preferred it if the developers included the option to date them both.

And Bethesda should hire people who can animate.

I should like this, but the realistic faces in this game are off putting. Am I the only one?

You unpacked too much. You live here now.

damn boy this comment way too smart for the kotaku comments section

It’s a personal favorite of mine. I had the good fortune to work in London almost fifteen years ago, and some of the slang stuck with me.

I’m also particularly fond of “cockwomble.”

Very well said. Plus, you get a star for teaching me the word “whinge.” I had to look that one up.

i’ve lost count of how many times he’s apologized for being blatantly offensive and saying he’s ‘matured’, before doing a 180 and spouting some new racist, sexist or homophobic crap. it’s time for him to take a good hard look inside himself and either learn to censor himself better, become an actual less shitty

The real question is...does anyone even surbscribe to youtube Red?

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

I mean, not surprising. You can be an idiot on the internet all you want. We’re all dicks sometime. But once you regularly start going, “Hey, lets see how racist and shitty I can be,” even in the context of something like Fiverr, you’re doing it wrong. Everybody’s trolled before. It’s an internet rite of passage.

I imagine that was the biggest show on Youtube Red

Well, Hyrule Warriors is a Dynasty Warriors game, not a Zelda game.

A Switch shirt, yes that’ll add to that emotional scene they showed in the trailer. I can see that adding to the immersion. I’ll be reminded constantly of the 400 dollar purchase I made while I roam the open fantasy world in a walking advert shirt.

They’ve just told you there will be a whole story you don’t get if you don’t shell out a third more than the game is supposed to cost.

This feels like that scene in the Godfather where he wakes up with the horse head in his bed, except it’s Link and the horse’s head is Epona’s.

“Hey guys, did you see what Ubisoft is doing?” - Nintendo 2017

Oh man, I could totally access their bank account... but first let me install that aimbot and boot up competitive mode!