
Your loss then.

People are whining about the co-op now. Until the pvp update comes then people won’t be so pissy anymore.

You’re not the only one. I’ve been hearing about a couple of people online who ordered with Amazon only for it to be delayed now for some reason. I even heard about one guy who’s copy was shipped to the wrong state.

Sounds like a blue-balls waste of time if you ask me...

Ah Dust2, my most hated map. I’m only a casual player (Yeah yeah I know) but everytime I join a casual game it’s Dust2, or it a game just finished everyone votes for Dust2. I seriously don’t see the appeal in the map.

It took me like 4 tries before I figured it out tho don’t worry. But thats what makes this game fun. When you finally beat the damn enemy that got you all those times you feel kinda good about the accomplishment. Also, with Yokai. Their horns are their weakness I found out. Most of the times anyway.

My buddies know I’m playing FFXV when they hear me scream

A neat trick I stumbled upon was that if you stand close to the ogress. Like. really really close. So close you can sniff the bad breath. Her swings miss almost all the time. The only time you have to dodge is when she does the jumping attack. Took her down pretty easy after I figured that out.

Nioh has a season pass but it doesn’t seem like it will have microtransactions tho. It just doesn’t seem like that type of game. I think it will have DLC similar to the Souls Series tho, More enemies, areas, loot etc... but if there is gonna be microtransactions I’ll shit my pants in a bad way.

On normal PS4 the game has 3 settings. Action, Movie, and I can’t remember the other one but it’s essentially a mix of the 2.

Clearly you have never worked retail in your life before.

A different UI would be nice I suppose. The current one is garbage.

DLC THIS soon after release? Welp, RE7 just made itself onto my “only buy when heavily discounted” list.

It just got finished? Lol

Good thing I don’t play GTA Online then. GTA V was the most boring in the series for me personally. I can see they put waaay more focus on the multiplayer part and not the single-player part, which is the thing I used to love the most about the GTA series.

As an outsider looking in. All I can say is you Americans brought this upon yourselves. You didn’t HAVE to vote Hillary or Trump. There were 3rd party candidates as well. But of course everyone complained that it would be a wasted vote so they voted Trump just because.

I dunno. I’m having a blast with this. And it’s free so one can’t really complain ...

You’re a bad boss-fight! :’( .

The guy made a whole video about asking why Twitch hasn’t contacted him for a whole year. He is willing to change things here and there in order to get the game streamable on Twitch. The guy is literally at his wits end and all the people here can nitpick about is that he “maybe” accused “feminists” or “SJW’s” or