This is the kind of basic comment we come to Kinja for.
This is the kind of basic comment we come to Kinja for.
This is the kind of basic comment we come to Kinja for.
This is the kind of basic comment we come to Kinja for.
Klobuchar’s consultants didn’t help her try to rebrand as a progressive. Before you say some of those flaws are not Harris’ fault, read about how she reacted to specific instances of prosecutorial and crime lab misconduct. Start with Lara Bazelon’s summary. If you want to talk to someone who represented vulnerable…
In the book, Lowenstein was a device to tell the protagonist’s back story and for some self examination when he strayed. Making her a central character in the movie was a re-write. Streisand wasn’t the first person to take this kind of license and Conroy said he wasn’t going to criticize the choices given how many…
When has the choice of a running mate impacted the general election?
He was a “catalyst” in that he made an unplanned slip of the tongue that forced Obama’s hand. Like Hillary Clinton, there are a number of videos of him speaking against it.
Spoken like someone with nothing to lose if they trust him.
He spent a ton of money to elect Pat Toomey to the Senate in 2018, too. That’s what gave us Kavanaugh.
Klobuchar is a worse cop than Harris but she’s not trying to reframe herself as a progressive. She’s embracing her cophood and moderate white women are eating it up. Harris, who we (Californians and esp California attorneys who represented the indigent) knew was not progressive, tried to run in that lane.
We blame her for pushing his defense budget through, we blame her for pushing his NAFTA replacement through, we blame her for clapping for Juan Guaido twice and not supporting M4A. The shit you cheer is performative.
A more baller move would have been not pushing his defense budget and NAFTA replacement through the house. Also, not clapping for Juan Guaido would have been nice.
Slay Kween I guess.
It’s newb vegans who complain about cross contamination, not the “zealouts.” Those of us who came from hardcore or whatever many years ago based on animal rights know that worrying about cross contamination does nothing to help animals. It’s really the Goop and yoga crowd that might be keto next year who are doing…
On things that have come up for a vote. Would it surprise you that a majority of Supreme Court decisions are 9-0? Take a look at where they differed. Start with the new NAFTA and Trump’s first two defense budgets. 7% can be big.
Saying that they are “identical” has become a form of gaslighting on the professional left. She has no background in grass roots organizations, has stocked her campaign with the same kind of investment bank and foreign policy establishment that the left wing of the party is railing against and has explicitly abandoned…
This is a good answer.
Thanks for responding like this today. Tonight and tomorrow will be important moments of discourse and coalition building.
Lots of jam bands perform barefoot. Even the punkish ones from Boise
Would you put destabilizing Libya, being friends with Henry Kissinger and voting yes on war with Iraq in the first set of bullets on that resume?
Yes the candidate who is polling much better and raised $15 million more in the last cycle who has a grass roots network that got a bunch of progressive women elected to congress (and has way more people of color and young people supporting him) is being selfish by not dropping out in favor of the candidate currently…
Counterpoint: Warren let McCain cow her into conceding that the general of a sovereign nation, who was flying overtly on a commercial flight to negotiate with US ally Saudi Arabia, was “absolutely a terrorist.” A search of the New York Times archives finds no reference to the general being responsible for the death of…