Obese Chess

Yes. That’s the solution. Stop talking about the most powerful man in the world. If we just ignore him, he’ll go away.

So lets get this straight, guy is an Audi tech and is trying to sell the car claiming it needs repairs that he himself should be able to do in less than a day for not an astronomical amount of money depending where he shops. But instead of spending a Saturday and doing it making it instantly easier to sell the car

They had the engine out 20k ago and didn’t do the engine mounts at the same time? And he bought this car and is looking to dump it after a relatively short period of time?

I was watching the event live. Do not believe ANY reports that the protesters acted first or that the police were provoked. Protestors did NOT throw bottles until AFTER the first unprovoked wave of tear gas, and there are several videos proving this. It was very clear whose side the police were on.

I’d have to disagree based on my experience with both.

Ribeye is great because there’s lean surrounding the streaks of fat, so you get great contrastive beefy flavor and texture with the delicious fat.

With wagyu, the fat is dispersed into the lean muscle and just robs it of texture and taste.  It makes it really

Not-that-Hot Taek: Wagyu is overrated and way overpriced.

If you have to eat it, thin pieces over a shichirin is acceptable, but it’s still just too damn fatty to be enjoyable.

Whereas in the US you can be denied an emergency ambulance ride because they’re unsure if you can pay for it. Then you die.

Best get to it before they have the power to do so. 

No, the Republicans from 2010-2016 had way more infighting than the Democrats do now. Even this year, Republicans have had more House incumbents (Pittenger and Sanford) go down than the Democrats have. The problem isn’t “infighting” or people who voted in the primary staying home because their preferred candidate

I revisit the whole saga (until X6) last year and found X6 almost unplayable. The level design is just awful

X6 is bad and you should feel bad for calling it passable.

But, seriously, it’s bad. It’s a constant exercise in frustration and poor game design. I lump it together with X7 in the do not play list. I may still grab the compilation, but those games will go unplayed.

Double tapping forward has always resulted in a dash, in MMX1-3 at least. Don’t use the Analog stick to play Megaman.

That’s deemed an acceptable room divider between a living area and a bedroom? Fucking pathetic.

If it helps - the SNES version has slowdown, too! Like, a lot. :)

Eh, I see this as more of a “growing pains” kinda thing. Trying to figure out best practices, whether co-opting the party is better than striking out and building from the ground up, etc.

Oh shush, it’s not like there hasn’t been a Soviet Union for...(checks notes), wow, nearly thirty years?


At this point, we can make some reasonable assumptions about Toyota’s production timeframe:

For once, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

One of the most important things about the engine is WHEN it came out. Before this, Japanese engines were jokes to American car fans. This engine single-handedly established Japanese engines as legitimate power plants, despite not being 8 cylinders and over 5 liters of displacement. Nobody had seen a power plant like