
Definitely Generational. Explains the exponential growth of gaming since the 90s and why most everyone who has a problem with gaming is over 40.

Conclusion... everyone sucks.

Hooray! Everyone is terrible!

This would be my dining room. Of my small apartment. that I share with 2 other people. who probably aren’t as happy about that as I am.

So how many do we have now?

Don’t get too hyped for Age of Ultron though, because the main villain will disappoint you (For some reason the movie is already running in “foreign” countries like my own (germany) for a week now, so of course I’ve watched it already).

1) Find free mods on Steam Workshop.

People getting paid to make content is one thing. But modding is a COMMUNITY, if you are getting paid you are no longer a modder, you are a developer who has licensed content from the original dev. The whole community functions on it not being monetised, monetising it just totally damages the whole system at a

A donate button is such an obviously better option that I really hope that is the direction things go instead after this test melts down.

Seems like an ill-thought out scheme to be honest, especially given the vast amount of swords that have now appeared and look extremely similar to other peoples. A donate button is whats in order, give us chance to reward the modders who have put serious effort into these things, not the sharks.

You’re right. We have fucked up. Every single one of us has fucked up at one point or another —myself included, as any Dragon’s Crown fan will happily tell you. Should we have done a better job disclosing certain things? Absolutely. As Stephen pointed out back when this whole thing first started, one of Kotaku’s

You touched on my exact concern. We are down to the wire in terms of development sprint cycles and still have enough time to QA the game for at least go/no go level bugs.

GamerGate’s specific goals are by nature impossible to define

I’m just saying that it would be awesome if the discussions we all have about this story could be, I don’t know, dinner-party-quality, minus any throwing of silverware. Be nice to each other and such. Or at least respectful. We can do this!

What to make of it is simple- more evidence that playing games, even those that contain violence, brutality, or expressions of unsavoury societal attitudes (sexism, homophobia etc..) has minimal, if any, impact, on the player, and certainly does nothing to encourage violent or prejudiced tendencies in them.

Sexism isn’t even in video games. Tropes? (Damsels, gritty-old-male,ect) deffinitely. But it’s not sexism; it's what story the devs wanted to tell you. One thing I think could use improvement (since devs are getting pressured to include them) are gay characters. Devs don't know how to write a gay character because

I suggest you read the article again if you don’t understand why in fact the only professional thing to do in this situation is to recuse yourself from coverage of the title due to fears of perceived bias.

Yeah, so Totalbiscuit’s initial tweet was totally rational and reasonable. He didn’t call the game terrible, he simply said it wasn’t for him. The response from the developer was kinda’ out of line.

Well the computer they were running on had 4 Nvidia Titans, and they’re about $1,000.00 a pop...