
Let me guess. You are a drug addict. You sure sound like one. Always pointing the finger at others and never accepting personal responsibilty.

Good one, bro!

Defending toxic black male behavior has become rampant in our society. We are no longer able to hold them accountable and this is going to hurt them badly.

Why would that make a difference? She is obviously not a hot blonde. I am guessing a fat troll. How fat is she?

Uh oh. I cut you deep.

Why do you hate skinny white women? Do they reject your sexual advances?

Why are dipshits like you pushing for war with Russia? Stop being a tool for the elite.

Why do they only have one bigger lady?

When did body shaming become cool again? I thought the whole point of this article was to celebrate a wide variety of body types.

You are fucking crazy!

You need help. Take your meds.

I don’t know what you are talking about or want anything to do with it. Please just let me be.

You must be one of the good white people. Thank god for you.

Cool post, bro! You score 10 progressive points.

Rapping is kind of a joke. It’s music for dumb people hence it’s popularity.

“Because white people want to make all the rules about what people can do and say of course silly.”

I agree. Both sides suck. It is hard to tell which one is worse. The left seems hell bent on starting WWIII with Russia. The right might just help them.

Wow! This might be the most pathetic post I have ever seen.

The left is looking extremely fascist as of late. It is scary.

The guy is a war criminal. Completely fucked over the middle class for his rich buddies. It is also looking like he completely abused his power in regards to FISA.