
From my experience, as I’ve done the same thing, Google Photos is smart enough to realize that there are two copies of the same photos and only keeps one. However, it screws up the order of the pictures. Some it keeps at the original time they were at, and others are kept at the time of restoration. What I mean is

My favorite “trick,” is to use negative reviews to look for attributes I personally find positive. This works really well with tech. If people start complaining about something being “too complicated,” or “not easy to use,” that’s a major positive, because as soon as I’m past the nasty learning curve, I’ll have access

At my previous job I was pretty sure I was going to get the offer before the interview even started: I work in higher education communications/PR/marketing, and my background is in journalism, with the last five years of that career being spent in radio. The chair of the search committee for the higher ed

“So it’s not that more nice people are jerks, it’s just that you notice them more often.” typo in the last sentence, couldn’t let it go since it seems I’m the first to notice...

I just spray painted a giant hot pink X on my bag. Easy to find, and as a bonus, no one ever stole it either.

There’s a touching scene in Pixar’s Inside Out that plays with this concept (and is one of the major insights that drives the climax).

I’m a bit confused.

You couldn’t have told me this back in 1984? Geez lifehacker, letting me down again!

You should also do the math for calculating time dilation at that speed. It's funny.

At relativistic speeds, let's say 99.99% the speed of light, you'll also encounter time dilation. So what appears to be 8 years to the reference frame of you and your Tesla will be over 500 years on Earth. On the other hand, if they specify that the warranty lasts 8 years in the reference frame of Earth, your warranty