Osiris - I can haz Euro spec?

Any motorist driving along a country road at night must stop every mile and send up a rocket signal, wait 10 minutes for the road to be cleared of livestock, and continue. Any motorist who sights a team of horses coming toward him must pull well off the road, cover his car with a blanket or canvas that blends with the

Stockholm Syndrome.

Easy. My Aveo. While fun to drive on a dirt road, slow as hell on asphalt. I hit 100MPH once but it seriously took me forever and a downhill.


As an active duty American Airman, should I sell my Honda and buy a Ford even though the Honda gets vastly better gas mileage and is more reliable for my family?

It would be hilarious to make my 2000 Dodge Dakota with the 5.9L Magnum engine sound like a whiny little Ferrari!

That's classy man. I saw your post and while reading this one I checked to see if it was reposted from Oppo. It wasn't.

I agree...and It's especially amplified when you have a child in your car.

Light bar! I'm starting to like the bars over the big-ass halogens.

So who wants to get a "Mario Kart" themed couple of teams together? That would be fantastic!

That being true, it was a new model (probable '08 to '10) 3 Series.

That sounds stupid for two reasons. 1. It looks stupid. 2. It's probably a fuckton more expensive than it needs to be for someone to look this stupid.

How do the wheels even handle the weight of the car at that point?

I saw a guy with a BMW 3 Series. He put AMG badges on it. So far as I know, AMG has never had anything to do with BMW, much less a 3 Series that isn't even an M3.

I don't have a picture of it, but there's a Colonel stationed at the same base as me who drives a red R8...with these on it. I feel so bad for that car. Not driven like it should and forced to wear these stupid things.

Awesome to see that asshat of a kid get charged with all that, but I still would be pissed as all hell if I was the guy with a brand new Challenger SRT.

Up for sale is a 1969 Camaro. It's been sitting for the past 40 years so you may need to clean out the engine. Slight water damage. $1500 OBO.

Puny captain.

Italy-based businessman Pourmohseni Hadi complained of vibrations, rattles, jolts, and bad shifts in his 120,000 Euro ($160,000) 2008 BMW M6. BMW Italy jerked him around and gave him no fix, so he smashed his car with an axe and a sledgehammer in protest.

"Mananas" sounds like something that would be played on Skinimax.