I am dismissing you because you are demonstrating that you do not understand sociology or psychology in the slightest bit, or for some reason, do understand it but are excluding high heels for some self-serving purpose.
I am dismissing you because you are demonstrating that you do not understand sociology or psychology in the slightest bit, or for some reason, do understand it but are excluding high heels for some self-serving purpose.
It amazes me when I make a 'controversial' comment about hating a beauty trend that is harmful to women, on a feminist forum no less, instead of getting 'hell ya sister', I get 'CONCERN TROLL!!! GO FUCK YOURSELF!!" It's truly mind-boggling. I take solace in the rare gems like yourself, who don't have patriarchal…
I can't give you enough 'recommend's and hearts!
Digging your heels in (see what I did there?) > common sense apparently.
I don't think you're getting to the meat of the issue here.
If you don't care about your own well-being... fine, whatever.
Refer to point 3.
Google scholar - impact of high heels.
It only makes me sad because women are physically harming themselves in the name of 'beauty' (when in reality, it looks stupid and not beautiful at all). I just hate that women feel like they need to physically torture themselves to be acceptable/beautiful/insertsomethingelsehere.
Dear fellow-ladies,
I'd rather go hiking, swimming, biking, etc. outdoors than go to a gym where a bunch of sweaty, gross, rude people are.
It is for reasons like this, like someone can record you at the gym and post it all over the internet, that I do not like going to gyms. Not to mention that I *HATE* being pestered by people trying to upsell me on shit, or assholes who sweat over everything and don't clean up, or pervvy guys leering at me.... etc.…
Newsflash: You missed the fucking point.
She has proven herself to be a bit of a moron on more than one occasion.
Mirena isn't any better for me. The week before my period, I am in fucking agony (worse than prior to the IUD). The problem is that it lasts for a week, and then I am totally fine... so it doesn't last long enough for me to get the conviction that I am taking it out, but when it's happening, I always wish I did.
I suggest you get off the offensive tone and read *all* my comments to this post.
What exactly are you saying "false" to? I never claimed that it was the employee's problem, nor did I claim that her reaction was justified (I even specifically wrote that).
Yea, I was super disappointed in that video too.
Didn't he cheat on her?